Tigget Digital Tickets


A Journey to Innovation and Global Success: Perrie Kitching’s Grammy-Ready Comeback


A Tech-Powered Revolution: Perrie Kitching’s Grammy-Ready, Blockchain-Fueled Comeback


In the heart of Nashville, TN, Perrie Kitching is breaking boundaries on an unorthodox tour, rubbing shoulders with major industry figures and leveraging innovations that are redefining music. It all began with a pivotal conversation with Michael Buckholtz, who told Perrie, “I submitted you for a Grammy, but they said you’re not qualified because you’re not actively touring.”

That’s when Perrie’s visionary mindset took over. Determined to upend the traditional touring model, he launched **Tigget**—a blockchain-integrated platform that allows artists to tour at the press of a button. Now, he’s not only actively touring but fully qualified for Grammy consideration, all thanks to his tech-driven approach.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

**Tigget** is part of a much larger ecosystem built on **CubYield**, the revolutionary cryptocurrency co-founded by Perrie and Michael Buckholtz. CubYield generates compound interest without trading and is powered by the multi-billion-dollar **Cosmos Adom Blockchain**. The duo’s first live-streaming tour on Tigget sold out instantly, turning heads across the industry. Investors are buzzing about the proprietary tech behind Tigget, knowing that it holds the future of both music and finance.

Curious about Perrie’s meteoric rise? Have you ever wondered why Perrie Kitching’s Instagram is private? What kind of success evidence is hidden there? Well, the investors know—and that’s all part of the mystique. While the public remains curious, the investors are well aware of the goldmine locked behind those private doors.

With Perrie and Michael both on the board of CubYield, they are pushing boundaries, transforming the entertainment industry, and creating a legacy of proprietary blockchain-backed success.

Thank you for being part of this groundbreaking journey. Together, we’re changing the world—one sold-out tour at a time. The future is now!